Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Charlie...super danger girl

Charlotte, my crazy danger daughter. You know, I am not used the this type of kid. Alana was so tentative about the world at this age, still is in some ways. If I told her something was dangerous, she didn't want anything to do with it. Joey was so mellow that if you put her in front of a toy she would be golden for like 15-20 min. If you put Char poo in front of a toy, she looks at it like, "can I fashion this into a shiv?" And if she thinks she can't (a thought process that take about 4.2 seconds, cause she is THAT good) she will just jimmy the gate to get into the kitchen and look at me like, "Hey, you got a knife? Cause, I would really like to make a shiv, and if I don't have a knife I don't think I can make it, in fact, I think if you just give me the knife I wouldn't even need a shiv...hey, have you got one in here under the sink? WOW... no knives in here...but these cleaning supplies look like they would be awesome for bomb making! What do you mean, 'how did I get into that?' Dude just pull on this then wiggle that and BLAMMO! You are in!! Hey, what are you doing?! Put me DOWN!!!!" Etc....

You might be thinking...Charlotte?! Darling perfect snuggly CHARLOTTE! NO, I don't believe it. Well, I have photographic evidence. On the random occasion that the situation wasn't so dangerous that I had time to grab a camera, I have...

Look to the left here...see her on the porch there...She has one shoe on, she bolted out the door when I let the dog out and is on her way to freedom.

See, no looking back either...She got mud on her toesies...

And here she is doing her I can't go over it, I can't go through it, gotta go under it trick...classic. Thank goodness the HUGE cloth diaper butt stopped her! BOO FOILED AGAIN!

Some times she is quiet for a long time...then you find her with the door shut, in her sisters room, that looks something like this...

And if you still have ANY doubt at all, I dare you to look into these eyes...I shudder to think what is going on behind them in her little baby brain.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurel -
    Don't know if you've seen it yet but we've posted the winners of the Cotton Babies I'm so Glad you were born contest and you're a runner up! I need your email so we can send you your prize!
    please contact me libby@cottonbabies.com

